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Be Certain – If You Want To Make An Impact.

Be certain -  If You Want To Make An Impact.

The one danger with estate agency that erodes vendor confidence more than anything else?


It starts with agents/realtors trying to please everybody.

The seemingly clever agents that have discovered the DISC Behavioural Profiling System and now adapt their behaviour to mirror that of their prospective vendor.

A bold, positive, demanding and confident vendor?

"That's me. Straight to the point. I tell it like it is."

Gregarious, enthusiastic and talkative vendor?

"That's me, as well. Flattery comes so naturally to me."

A dependable, thoughtful and reserved vendor?

"I can do that? Caring, sharing? I hear you."

Or perhaps, the cautious vendor?

"I just happen to have a folder here, full of comparable prices achieved. You'll find me precise and dedicated to the result."

Everything to everybody. Instead of something to somebody.

Just like every other agent/realtor that came knocking earlier today.

That chameleon-like talent for adapting behaviour does you no favors.

You have become bland.  And boring.

Hiding behind the carapace of professionalism that all agents wear to mask their insecurities.

A vendor kept at arms length, so as not to offend. And as a consequence, not always invited in.

What's so worrying about being your true self ?

Are you that afraid of a vendor not liking you?

Here's the thing.

Should a vendor not like you.  Not like your authenticity.  Not be moved by your candour.

They're not for you.  They would cause all sorts of problems for your agency if they instructed you.

Better clients should be your goal as a realtor/agent.

Not more clients - Better clients.

This uncertainty manifests, additionally, in other areas of the agent's profile.

Imprecise on valuation. A flimsy asking price, or even offers over...

A perfunctory mention of the team behind the brand. If sales progression is so important to the sale, who's doing it?

The fee - less than the agent would like to charge, but indeterminate until the vendor accepts.

The advertising. The property description. Prescriptive words on a page rather than something that tugs at the heartstrings of a potential buyer. Is it because the agent can't write? Or can't be bothered? Or, wishes to appeal to that widest possible audience - uncertain of who the buyer might be, they choose to speak to everyone.

In these days of endless possibility, uncertainty is everywhere.

Though we might not know everything.

What we do know for certain, is who we are.

There's few of us, not had moments of self-reflection.

Few that do not understand their innermost strengths and weaknesses. Whether we admit to them, or not.

And it's here, where the greatest uncertainty lies.

How much of ourselves should we share with others?

How vulnerable are we prepared to be?

"Not much" would seem to be the answer for most.

Tell a vendor everything you can think of to win their trust - football, the kids, running, the dog, holidays, the car.

Build rapport. Until you're blue in the face.

They're interested in only one thing.

"Vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I'm willing to show you."                           Brené Brown

Vendors are looking for vulnerability and realtors/agents simply aren't willing to show it.

They're not looking for the best agent. They wouldn't know what to look for!

They're not looking for the cheapest. They're not fools - they understand value vs. price.

They want to recognise vulnerability in the agent.


Because they, themselves, are equally flawed and vulnerable.

Vendors see vulnerability in an agent as a strength.

Agents/realtors see it is a weakness.

If you want to make an impact, you have to be certain.

Certain that, in the past, you've made mistakes.

Certain that you might not have it right this time, even.

Certain that what matters most to you, as a realtor, is integrity.

Certain that what matters is transparency, honesty and truth.

Only then will you find a vendor that instructs you - because of who you are.

Not because of what you do.

I've noticed a couple of U.K estate agents that feature their personal, rather than corporate, brand.


There's a sense of certainty, call it confidence if you will, that I do not see in others.

Facial expressions, posture, gestures, eye contact and particularly with voice.

When they speak, the timing and pace, the tone and inflection, convey authority, assuredness.

Its not because they are practiced at video.  It's because they don't care.


They don't care to make a 'good impression.'

I see other agents/realtors that, for sure, know their stuff.

But they lack conviction.

They lack certainty.  They try - too hard.

And vendors can read the signs.

What the agent doesn't say, speaks volumes.

Many, trying to be someone they're not.

The perfected & polished agent.  The local authority. The local expert.

Instead of simply being who they are.

That - brings a sense of certainty.

Thanks, as always, for reading:)

If I can help with anything, just drop me an email, or pick up the phone.

My advice is always free.

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The post Be Certain – If You Want To Make An Impact. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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