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Don’t Take My Word For It.

Don't take my word for it.

Personal branding will be (make that, is right now) an essential part of life as an estate agent.

Like it or not, every agent has a personal brand.

Every twitter post, Facebook 'like', LinkedIn comment, Instagram share.

Every blog. Every Vlog.

Even the anonymous caustic comments on Property Industry Eye.

There's none of us bright enough, not to leave a trail.

And by that evidence, will others judge.

For most though, there is very little congruence.

No precise train of thought that leads others to a natural conclusion.

An opinion expressed.  Then.

And an alternative view shared.  Now.

A crass comment that you later came to regret.

A reply to client criticism that didn't address their problem.

Every bit of this mosaic adds to the 'picture' you've unwittingly presented to the world.

Is it a 'picture' you're happy with?

Is it the real you?

Will employers, friends, colleagues recognise this portrait?

Let's be clear.

You need to be exceedingly precise with everything you say in the digital world.

It's no good telling me you enjoy any form of competition.

If I later learn that you posted a whining, 'boo-hoo' comment about some cheap-fee estate agents.

Or, that you have faith in the high-street agency business model, but like Feefo, you then bask in the glow of association with PurpleBricks adverts.

"I changed my mind" doesn't leave a strong impression.

A strong impression, though, is exactly what you need.

Far better to either design the Personal Brand that is you.

Or keep the existing, guarded, opaque 'look'.

That signifies to everyone that you're one of the 'crowd'.

Blending in.

Rather than standing out.

A pale insipid shade of primrose.

Instead of a vibrant shocking pink

Standing out, though, isn't without its problems.

"What if they don't like me?"

My answer to that?

"That's fine. We're not a good fit. Thank you anyway."

I guess that, in a nutshell, is why estate agents don't do personal branding.

They just haven't got it in them.

To have a vendor not 'like them.'

Not for them the client that loves what it is they do.  Why they do it, and most especially, who they are.

A client that is prepared to pay for that privilege.

No, no, no!!

For many agents, it's a client who chips away at the already competitive fee.  Who expects them, serf-like, to be on-call 24/7. Who would drop them at the first sign of trouble.

The sort of client that, let's face it, those agents deserve.

But there's a problem with this race to the bottom.

It always ends up there.

But in order to avoid this nightmare scenario, there are really only two alternatives.

True differentiation.

And the willingness to not be chosen.

I challenge you to tell me of any point of true differentiation within your agency.

Other than the people.

Forget the technology. Forget the superior service.  Forget all of the operational issues.

If your agency can do it, so could other agencies.

They may not.  But they could.

It's not true differentiation.

So, whether you're a 'one-girl or one-guy band'.  Or an agency with hundreds of employees.

Differentiation comes from who you are.  Not what you sell.

You can either embrace that statement and find the courage to be who you are.

Or, ignore it and follow this mantra:

" If you're in sales, you're always competing."  - Tom Ferry

A willingness to not be chosen?

That's already available whether you embrace personal brand, or not.

But personal brand will amplify who you are.  Leaving vendors with a stark choice.

Clear cut.  Black or white.

Does this estate agent seem likeable?  Do we have an affinity? Can they be trusted?

Swipe left for No.  Right for Yes!

The valuation?  The fee?  The marketing proposal? The T&C's?

If you've done your job well, they won't be an issue.

A vendor who knows, likes and most definitely trusts you.

An agent who has that type of vendor, one who won't even consider other agencies.

Has a competitive advantage like no other.

Don't take my word for it, though.

"Personal branding is a disproportionately valuable factor that most people just don't focus on."  - Gary Vaynerchuk

"All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEO's of our own companies - Me Inc.  To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called YOU"  - Tom Peters

"People do not buy goods & services - they buy relations, stories & magic."   - Seth Godin

"If you try to resonate with everyone, you will resonate with no-one."    - John Lee Dumas

"Every human being is the star of their own movie. We have to occupy the central role of our own drama."    Hugh Laurie

"I'm not a businessman.  I'm a business, man!"   - Jay Z

"It's important to build a personal brand because it's the only thing you're going to have."   Gary Vaynerchuk-

"Brand the real you.  Be brutally, authentically, honestly you. And you will win the people that matter."   -Tom Ferry


If you're waiting for permission, from your employer, from your self, don't wait too long.

"Two years from now, if you don't have a personal brand, nobody is going to work with you."  -Nicolas Cole


Whether you fear it, or embrace it, personal brand matters.

To every vendor.

Whether they are looking for the cheapest, or the most expensive agent.

To every employer.

Whether they seek a compliant 'cog', or a forward-thinker.

It won't turn you into the next Kim Kardashian, or Tony Robbins.

But it will attract those that are looking for an agent.

Just like you.

Done well, it will become your most valuable asset.

Let me know if I can help.  Thanks for reading, as always.

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The post Don’t Take My Word For It. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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When Vendors Get The Wrong Estate Agent.


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