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Breaking Free from the Paywalls: Why Mortgage Brokers, Financial Advisors, and Insurance Brokers Need a New Way to Generate Leads


In the financial services industry, generating high-quality leads is the lifeblood of business success. For years, professionals in these fields have relied heavily on lead generation platforms like Unbiased, VouchedFor, and various social media channels to drive business. However, as these platforms become more competitive and costly, the value of the leads obtained is increasingly under scrutiny. Many industry professionals are starting to feel trapped in a system that doesn't serve them or their clients effectively.

Mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers alike spend thousands of pounds each month on these platforms. However, they're often competing for the same clients, leading to frustration, high costs, and diminishing returns. Moreover, in an era where personal relationships are becoming more critical, the impersonal nature of these platforms is proving to be a hindrance rather than a help.

WiggyWam offers a game-changing solution. By focusing on transparent, direct communication without the interference of middlemen, WiggyWam allows these professionals to build real relationships with clients and grow their businesses organically, without being burdened by expensive paywalls or shared leads.

The Financial Burden of Lead Generation Platforms

Mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers have long depended on lead generation platforms to connect with potential clients. However, this reliance comes at a steep cost. Here's a breakdown of typical monthly spending for brokers and advisors on popular platforms:

  • Unbiased: Unbiased charges £50 to £100 per lead for mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers. Monthly spending can easily reach £2,000 to £4,000, especially if brokers and advisors need to maintain a steady flow of leads to keep their pipelines full.
  • VouchedFor: VouchedFor operates on a similar model, charging £30 to £50 per lead. The total monthly spend can range from £1,500 to £3,000, depending on how many leads are purchased. Again, these leads are not exclusive, meaning brokers are often competing with several other professionals for the same client .
  • Social Media Ads (Facebook, Instagram, Google): Many professionals turn to social media for lead generation, spending £1,000 to £3,500 per month on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. While this can sometimes yield cheaper leads, the conversion rate is often lower, and the leads may not be as targeted or qualified as those acquired through more direct platforms. What's good about social media though, is the ability to contact potential leads direct, however, if used incorrectly any unsolicitored contact might be seen as spam.

Despite the high costs, the quality of leads from these platforms is often questionable. Leads are frequently shared among multiple professionals, meaning the first one to respond stands the best chance of conversion. But even then, there's no guarantee of success, leading to wasted resources and mounting frustration.

The Problem with Paywalls and Middlemen

At the heart of the issue is the paywall model. Platforms like Unbiased and VouchedFor act as middlemen, charging brokers, advisors, and insurance professionals hefty fees (in addition to a monthly subscrion fee in many cases) for access to potential clients. Yet, the reality is that these platforms often auction off leads to multiple professionals, forcing brokers to compete on price and speed rather than on the quality of service or advice they provide.

This system creates a disconnect between professionals and their clients. Rather than forming genuine relationships based on trust and expertise, the process becomes transactional, with brokers and advisors racing to convert leads before their competitors do. The result? Professionals feel frustrated, clients feel overwhelmed by the number of offers they receive, and both sides miss out on the opportunity to build long-lasting, meaningful relationships. 

The other problem with this method is the client doesn't really get a choice. The leads are pre-selected and not necessarily the ones they might have chosen if they had access to whole of market. 

The Growing Importance of Real Relationships

In a market where trust is everything, clients are looking for more than just a transaction—they want to work with someone they trust, someone who understands their unique needs. Whether they're looking for mortgage advice, financial planning, or insurance solutions, clients value a personal relationship over a quick sale.

However, building these relationships is difficult when the process is mediated by a platform that sees clients as commodities to be sold to the highest bidder. Brokers and advisors want more control over how they connect with potential clients and are increasingly searching for platforms that enable open, transparent communication from the start.

The Solution: A Transparent, Community-Driven Platform

In the financial services world, building real relationships with clients is more critical than ever. However, the traditional lead-generation platforms create a transactional experience that lacks the local and personal touch clients seek. This is where WiggyWam comes in, leveraging the principles of a real-life local community to create a more organic and targeted environment for professionals to connect directly with their audience.

A Digital High Street for the UK Property Market, Where Trust and Relationships Thrive

Think of WiggyWam as the online equivalent of a local community—like your town's high street or a village marketplace where relationships are built on trust, reputation, and face-to-face interactions. In the real world, businesses thrive because they are part of the community. Locals visit the same coffee shops, consult with familiar advisors, and engage with businesses they trust. WiggyWam creates the same type of atmosphere, but in a digital format tailored specifically to the UK property market. Here are just some of the key benefits:

  • Local Visibility & Target Audience: WiggyWam ensures that professionals like mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers are visible to their target audiences (homebuyers, sellers, estate agents, landlords, property investors and others) - all of whom are actively engaged in the UK property market. Members are automatically assigned to local community groups, enabling connections with local businesses and residents from the outset.
  • Building Genuine Relationships: WiggyWam facilitates direct communication between professionals and clients, allowing for real conversations rather than impersonal transactions. This creates opportunities for professionals to establish trusted relationships with clients, much like interacting with locals in a community hub.
  • Niche Focus: Unlike global platforms, WiggyWam is specifically tailored to the UK with a focus on all things property. This ensures that professionals are engaging with leads who are actively seeking property-related services, reducing wasted time on irrelevant leads.
  • Client "Wanted" Ads: Clients can post "Service Requests" for services such as mortgage advice, financial planning, or insurance. Professionals can then directly respond to these ads, creating immediate and targeted connections without middlemen or paywalls. They can also create lead alerts based on criteria they set, which could be for a particular location etc. These are delivered daily to them via email. 
  • No Middlemen: WiggyWam eliminates the need for middlemen, allowing professionals to directly respond to client inquiries, such as "wanted" ads for services. This creates a transparent process where professionals can showcase their value without paying for access to leads or competing for the same clients behind a paywall.
  • Cost-Effective Pricing: WiggyWam operates on a low-cost subscription model with no pay-per-lead fees, giving professionals predictable costs and the ability to focus on building relationships rather than worrying about high lead generation expenses.
  • Real-Time Communication & Support: WiggyWam integrates real-time communication tools such as live chat, video calls, and direct messaging. This allows professionals to engage with clients instantly, fostering trust and building stronger relationships and ensures that clients can get the support they need when they need it. These tools make interactions between professionals and clients seamless and efficient, improving the overall client experience.  
  • Showcase Expertise: Professionals can highlight their experience, qualifications, and successes directly from their WiggyWam profiles. Whether it's through articles, videos, or client testimonials, these profiles allow professionals to present a compelling case for their services.
  • Offer Advice in Forums and Groups: WiggyWam's community-driven approach includes forums and groups where professionals can interact with potential clients, answer questions, and provide valuable advice. This engagement helps build trust and positions professionals as approachable and knowledgeable.
  • Share Videos, Articles, and Content: Professionals can use their profiles to share educational content, helping them build their reputation as thought leaders. Whether it's a step-by-step guide to securing a mortgage or an article explaining insurance options, sharing valuable insights can attract clients who are seeking experts in the property market.

By providing these tools, WiggyWam allows professionals to manage their digital presence in a way that goes beyond traditional websites. Everything from profile management to client engagement can happen within the platform, saving time and money while still delivering value.

Why Brokers, Advisors, and Insurance Professionals Need to Embrace Change

The traditional lead generation model is no longer working for most mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers. Rising costs, low-quality leads, and the impersonal nature of these platforms are pushing professionals to find a better way to connect with clients.

WiggyWam offers a solution that allows professionals to take control of their business, building relationships based on trust, transparency, and open communication. No longer will brokers and advisors have to fight over leads or pay through the nose for access to clients. Instead, they can connect with people who are actively seeking their services, and build the kind of long-term relationships that lead to sustainable growth.

In a world where clients increasingly value personalised advice and human connections, platforms like WiggyWam are the future. Mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers can finally break free from the constraints of traditional lead generation platforms and start doing business in a way that's different, better, and built for success.

The future of financial services is not behind a paywall—it's in transparent communication and real, meaningful relationships. WiggyWam is leading the way in making that future a reality.

By being part of a community-driven platform like WiggyWam, mortgage brokers, financial advisors, and insurance brokers can break free from the impersonal nature of traditional lead generation and embrace an environment where trust and relationships are the driving forces behind success.

If you work in the financial services, want to be part of our community and  join our growing network, you can sign up here: 


  1. Unbiased Lead Costs:
    • Unbiased charges between £50 to £100 per lead for financial advisors, mortgage brokers, and insurance brokers.
    • Source: Unbiased for Professionals
  2. VouchedFor Lead Costs:
  3. Social Media Ad Spend (Facebook, Instagram, Google):

By leveraging a community-driven, niche platform like WiggyWam, professionals can engage with their target audience and build the long-term, meaningful relationships that drive business success, without the burden of paywalls or middlemen

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