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The Arrow Doesn’t Seek The Target.

"The arrow doesn't seek the target, the target draws the arrow"  - Matthew McConnaughey

Words of wisdom from the spiritually attuned, master of perseverance and most gifted of actors that is Matthew McConnaughey.

"a dream, a sign, a message to quit trying so intentionally to find the perfect woman for me, and rather, concede to the natural selection process of finding her, her finding me, or not. So I quit looking for her.

Then, she came."

What followed in his delightful biography, Green Lights, was the very first time he set eyes on his future bride, Camila.

I'm a sucker for love stories. Especially those with happy endings.

It brought back memories of the time, nearly fifty years ago, when I first clapped eyes on my now wife of 26 years.

A sleepy backwater golf course where I taught golf for a living.

Happy in my own little world, the phone rang and someone asked to book a lesson.

"I'll check my diary."

To which she responded, "I'm coming anyway."

Come she did and proceeded to turn my world upside down and inside out.

It was complicated but, as they say, true love will find a way.

After only a few lessons, even the permanently inebriated golf club steward, Ben, came out with the prescient line: "I think you'll hang your hat there."  Was it that obvious?

Golf has long since disappeared over the horizon for us both.  For my wife Angela, it's shopping that hits the target - for me putting pen to paper, words on a page.

Writing for estate agents and realtors; for some bizarre reason that I haven't quite worked out.

But there's a moral to this tale.

You're an estate agent/realtor, right?

Are you the arrow, or the target?

For most, the vendor/landlord is the target - which presumes the agent is the arrow.

A finely guided arrow that seeks out the target. Hitting the bullseye occasionally.  Sometimes missing by miles.

Why is that so random? Why don't my appraisals/instruction ratios look better?

Better check with the coach.

"Hey Tom, I'm not converting as many as I did previously, what's up?"

The answer given being to have more confidence. A more honed mindset. Turning your business into a well-oiled machine. Learning the scripts that overcome the five most often heard objections. Strategies to build rapport and trust with prospects and clients. A myriad things that might help you better hit the 'target'.

All of which have been given to each and every one of your competitors that were foolish enough to cough up their card details.

The arrow doesn't seek the target, the target attracts the arrow.

Let me spell it out for every estate agency and realtor - You Are Not The Arrow, You Are The Target.

Your role is to attract the arrow.

Attraction marketing vs. Prospecting.

One hits, every time.  One is a hit and miss affair.

Now, the question becomes: How Should I Attract Clients? How do I become the target?

There are those that would tell you to share valuable information with the community. What's happening in your area to the housing market. To position yourself as the local expert. Problem with that thinking is that it doesn't position you or your agency as unique. There's nothing to stop every one of your competitors doing precisely the same thing, using precisely the same data and content. And, in my opinion, it's boring!

You become the target by attracting those that think the same as you. That share an affinity. Whose values you match.  That -  that my friend requires you to be transparent. To be authentic. And, most of all to be vulnerable.

Now that's got rid of those without the courage, or inclination to be imperfect, here's the secret to attraction.


Indifference to whether the 'arrow' turns into a hot lead, hits the target that you represent, or misses.

Indifference to the opinion of others.

Not indifference to the process, but to the outcome.

Otherwise, the vibe given off is one of need. Perhaps of desperation.

Asking for the business - when if you've done the job properly, the emotional and logical conclusion of the potential client happens sequentially because their arrow was aligned with the target. Not because you are so uncertain that you need to ask the question. The vendor has set their aim directly at your agency.

It's never in doubt. For them. All you have to do is choose.

As Matthew McConnaughey says: "conceding to the natural selection process".

Attraction marketing is all around us.

From the butterflies that are attracted to the wild flowers, to drops of water that join together into pools, like attracts like. Oil and water? Each on a different vibrational frequency, they just don't mix.

That's the problem with estate agency and real estate - it attempts to attract everyone and fails most spectacularly.

A collection of, for the most part, busy 'fools' chasing after any vendor with a warm pulse. Encouraged to do so by those agency trainers that know little of how attraction marketing works. All they understand is how to better prospect.  The blind leading the blind.

In my business, I practice attraction.

I have zero interest in working with realtors/agents that interrupt, hustle and promise that which they have little intention of delivering. Not for me those that Never take No for an answer. Those that "only eat what they kill".

I attract realtors that can think for themselves. That care about having better clients. That care about the relationship rather than the transaction.  Where integrity matters more than the paycheck. Where story matters more than data and information. Realtors/agents that are proud to be part of their profession. Who charge what they are worth. Who aren't afraid to share Who they are, rather than How well they do what everyone knows they do.

The content that I put out attracts that type of realtor. And repels those that I don't want to work with.

I'm very selective. I turn away more than I accept. It's just not worth the hassle to have to rationalize with somebody that's not entirely on the same wavelength.  There's no contract. No terms & conditions. Everything is based on a digital handshake.

I'm just very happy and content being the target.  Drawing closer those that seek me out.

Thanks, as always, for reading. It's been a busy few months and I have missed putting words on a page more than I realized.

Love to hear from you if you have any questions. My advice is always free.

Stay safe and blessed.









The post The Arrow Doesn’t Seek The Target. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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