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The Five-A-Day-Challenge.

The Five-A-Day-Challenge.

For some, it's kale, carrots and spinach, kiwi and blueberries. For others, an urgency to network with strangers.

For me, it's core values. Acting on them every day.

If you've been reading my stuff recently, you might know that curiosity, kindness, candour, integrity and congruence are the core values that matter most to me.  If you haven't been reading, where have you been?

My five core values are like vitamins for the soul - and they keep me healthy.

Without kindness in my day, simultaneously supporting my immune system, I feel I have missed out. It's a feel-good factor.  A quick hit of dopamine , oxytocin and serotonin.

I'm addicted.

Curiosity is my form of courage.

I know so little and have tried so few things that I might consider my life deprived of an education and of experience.

I don't,  but there's a beautiful world out there still to explore and I'm not afraid to jump right in whilst the water's still warm. If I uncover something of interest, you'll be the first to know, my friend.

Candour - How can I put this?

The word comes from the Latin candére, meaning to shine or glow.

And is often prefixed with the word, refreshing.

When estate agency narrative is many times guarded and full of euphemism, a blunt and honest opinion simply shines.

If I have an opinion, a belief, a conviction on something, I'm prepared to share & defend it.  Fiercely.

Honesty is telling others the truth

Integrity is telling myself the truth.

No integrity equals No trust; so its absolutely essential if I'm to trust myself.

So too with realtors.

Some are OK with not a telling potential client the truth.

They have to live with that.

An industry largely devoid of real trust, it might be worth asking agents whether they can even trust themselves?


Of course, it means our actions follow our words, which follow our values. Internal harmony.

But there's something else.

It has both an internal and an external element to it.

When other people understand and appreciate that they can rely on your authenticity, that what you say will be genuine, consistent and heartfelt, guess what?

They can trust.

Which is enough for me.

That's The Five-A-Day-Challenge. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Over the years, I've come to love that I'm an introvert.

I used to believe that I was just a shy kid, trying hard to avoid social interaction but that's not the case.

I have no problem standing in front of a big crowd, talking about something.

I have no problem saying precisely what I mean.

I do have a problem with the small stuff.

Spending time with fake people.

My friendships are diverse.

Some friends I've never met and yet I know more about them than I do my next door neighbour.

I like genuine people and they are more rare than one might imagine.

I'm a complex character. I form my own opinions, question everything and am naturally curious.

I'm not dependent on external constructs to decide how I react in a particular social setting.

I'm confident in myself to the point of deliberate arrogance, when the situation arises.

Not for me the personality types that behave in a manner which is more external than internal. The life and soul of the party will find me extremely dull company.

Which is why, I guess, I have never considered a career as a practising estate agent.

Too much BS, for my liking. Too many easy promises. Too many self-proclaimed "experts" that lack genuine curiosity.

The stereotypical "Influencer" type - except that I see through all that bravado and behind the "mask" they wear to overcome their fears.

Tell me I'm wrong!

The Introvert Estate Agent?

Ain't that a stretch of the imagination?

I'll stick to what I love.


Words have power but if you're afraid to use them, in trying to appeal to everyone, they become a script.

In a world that can't stop talking, I'm not anti-social. Just selectively social. There is a difference.

That's who I am. A work in progress, but work, much like Antoni Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, work that remains unique.

As it should.

Thanks for reading.

The Five-A-Day-Challenge - what's yours?

Here's how to reach me if the need arises. Happy to help wherever I can.

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Mob: (44) 07369251435

















The post The Five-A-Day-Challenge. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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