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Back Story That Matters.

Back Story That Matters.

Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign but stories can also be used to empower and humanize. Stories can break the dignity of people, of countries, but stories can also repair that broken dignity.

The problem with a single story is not that it may be wrong, but that it is usually incomplete.

Since stories are an integral part of the beliefs we form, the stories we hear and our interpretation of them, leaving out the back story is to short change the reader.

Unless, of course, that is the intention.

The truth but only half the truth.

I've written previously about the alleged racial slur against England's RFU World Cup forward Tom Curry. Who immediately complained to the match referee. No action was taken at the time and later the complaint was dismissed because of lack of corroborating evidence.

Tom Curry suffered much abuse on social media and eventually makes a statement hoping to "draw a line under the situation."

"I know what I heard and won't be commenting further."

Poor decision.

So many questions left unanswered and no real desire to support the serious accusation with his own back story.

What caused the alleged racial slur? Was it foul play? Was it simply gamesmanship? Did Curry seek an advantage for England by unfairly having the opposition player sent off? Did anybody else hear what was said?

The truth will remain in the shadows. Only two people will ever know. One of them isn't telling the truth.

The remainder will form their own conclusions based on hearsay.

When you write content for your estate agency, the back story matters more.

The back story is a crucial part because it creates a broader view of the story, a deeper context. It gives meaning to the actual words, bringing the story alive rather than simply a recollection of events, time and places.

If there is no back story, there is room for doubt. Open to mis-interpretation.

If there is little emotional pull to captivate a reader, your content is nothing more than attention-seeking P.R.

Column inches that are here-today-and-gone-tomorrow. May be that's enough for the middling, messy mass of agencies that bask in the glow of "awards", social approval and viral reach.

They can spin the truth all they wish but at the end of the day, all they get in return is an uncommitted "lead".

Stories are everywhere. In our heads, especially.

It's how we process the world around us. The stories we tell ourselves.  The meaning we give.

Isn't it far better to paint a complete picture that inspires and connects than to tell only half the story and leave others wondering?

"The biggest, the best estate agency"  - is only half the story.

Who is behind "the biggest, the best estate agency"? What do they value? What challenges have they overcome to get where they are?

If you believe those things don't matter, I don't know what else to tell you that will light a fire in that stoic complacency you call  marketing.

Go right ahead with the pie charts, the market analysis, the self-belief that "bigger is better"  and the boring press releases that get column inches and so little engagement. Spend millions of other people's money on puerile TV ads that viewers wilfully ignore. Run meaningless surveys that surprisingly confirm what you already knew.

"Test and measure and do what is right. With no interest in how people decide or what they believe or what story they tell themselves."

Seth Godin will call you a "behaviourist."

The back story is missing; the story incomplete. Which is why it largely gets ignored.

Truly understanding our narratives is the essence of doing work that matters, that connects and that spreads.

"Let me tell you a story"  is one of the best ways to get someone's attention.

"Allow me to share a little secret" is the backstory that makes it memorable and the story complete.

What if you can't write?

No different than if you believe you aren't cut out for video.  As Hemingway also said: "The first draft of anything is shit."

The beauty of writing and of story is that you get to do it over and over until it is no longer that way.

Take thirty three.

You get to create and to inspire with your thoughts.

You get to make someone feel something.

Or you could be just another estate agent/realtor; hustling their worth. Using A.I to fool everyone that you're something you're not.


Thanks as always for reading this far.

Here's how to reach me if the need arises.  Happy to help.

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Mob: (44) 07369251435



The post Back Story That Matters. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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