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Patience – Worthwhile Is Worth Waiting.

Patience - Worthwhile Is Worth Waiting.

In a world that desires instant gratification, embracing the value of Patience might seem of another age.

Consider this: The opposite is impatience which is a rejection of the present moment on the grounds that it is flawed and in need of replacement. A rejection of the way things are; a rejection of reality. Reality that oneself has created.

Today, many have forgotten how to be patient. Instead, ambition and quick action is valued above all else. We close a video on YouTube if the load time is more than a few seconds. Waiting, for even a short time, becomes almost unbearable.

"Genius is eternal patience."  - Michelangelo.

The genius of patience, though, lies in what is required in order to be patient.

Perseverance to not quit. Courage to work hard and meet longer challenges. Confidence in one's abilities to unquestionably bring about our desire. Trust in the decision to take more time, safe in the knowledge that it will transpire.  Understanding that even though it's not what we want right now, it is still our creation.

All qualities that would stand a realtor/estate agent in good stead.

Lack any of those qualities and it signals a weak, insecure, opportunist. Jumping from one moment to the next, grabbing what they can.

Personal Branding, whether subconsciously or consciously created, offers others an insight into whether you are worthy of their engagement.

An air of desperate, intimidating behaviour, big on easy promises and half-truths isn't hard to spot. If the pitch isn't convincing and converting, agents are encouraged to "stack the Kool." - "not only do we do this, but you also get this, this and this."

If that doesn't work, "Never take No for an answer" is encouraged.

If that fails, there's always the reduction in fee - tied in with an urgency of the vendor, right now, to sign  on the dotted line.

It takes patient assurance to care not whether someone becomes a client. The security of knowing that you can do more for them than is the reverse.

The impatient realtor, desperate to prove his worth, knows deep-down, that the commission fee will do more for him than he can do for the unfortunate vendor.

There aren't many short-cuts in life or in business that bring something worthwhile. If there were, the long-game would disappear.

Plenty of shortcuts, though, that bring little benefit.

Personal Brand is a case in point - shortcuts that might bring immediate attention, but little engagement. Because we haven't done the groundwork.

They know What we do. They know How well we do it. They know our name, but, aside from our sharing a brief mention of hobbies or family, they don't know Who we are.

Personal Brand is the only remarkable difference between any realtor or another. The only attribute that can't be replicated. So when the focus on Personal Brand is to generate more visibility without greater transparency, the message becomes lost.  A micro-celebrity trying hard to quickly "win friends and influence people."

If you recognise the book-title and have read Dale Carnegie,  you will know it can be summarised as an "importance of showing genuine interest in others, listening actively and making others feel important and appreciated."

Which might have worked when it was first published in 1936 but which is now perceived as simple manipulation.

I prefer Brené Brown's take:

Transparency - that's what makes us vulnerable. That's why it's the last thing we're willing to show others.

That doesn't stop it being the first thing they look for in us.

"Showing genuine interest in others, listening actively and making others feel important and appreciated" is all one way.

There's no transparency, no vulnerability and therefore little trust.

Personal Brand, done well, fixes that.

It does take courage and daring - if you haven't that, don't do Personal Brand. Stay safe within the common.

The few that do have the courage, will stand out even more.

And thank you for it.

If you change your perspective on transparency being daring and see it, instead, as a strength, from that transparency will come trust.

Even from people that don't share an affinity, there will be a respect for your authenticity. Your genuine desire to connect and your acceptance that not everyone will be a good fit.

In the commodity sector that is real estate, the perception is that vendors want value, convenience and competence. That they can live with a lack of trust

Except we can't!

We all need Trust when selling what is likely to be our biggest asset and the short-cut of relying on skewed comparison sites and unreliable social media reviews doesn't float the boat.

An industry hell-bent on instant results, competition and being "better than." Running away from, instead of towards, greater transparency.

Deliberately, or naively, failing to provide the thing we seek in any individual - to know who they are, in order that we can safely, ourselves open up.

Stating and trying to prove its worth through alleged competence, instead of through character.

A race to the bottom on fees, when there is no prize for runner-up.

Have Patience - Everything worthwhile is worth waiting.

Having an exceptional Personal Brand takes a bit longer, but when you get there, it will be worthwhile.

Thanks as always for reading.

Here's how to reach me if the need for Personal Brand arises.

Mob: (44) 07369251435

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The post Patience – Worthwhile Is Worth Waiting. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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