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2 minutes reading time (428 words)

“I Have A Dream That One Day”

"I have a dream that one day my four little children will be judged, not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character."    - Martin Luther King.

The content of their character?

What's not to love about that dream?

Except that many individuals and companies do all they can to hide their character.

From the insecurity of the anonymous screed on social media, to the overwhelming desire of teenage girls to adopt the 'look'.  People and companies everywhere are attempting to fit-in.  To conform and to craft an image that fits their vision of the 'ideal' world.

Everything to everybody.  Striving to adopt best practice rather than breaking the mould and making your own kind of music.

God forbid that anyone should stand out.  That would expose us to possible criticism.  To looking stupid, or worse to not being  'liked'.

And yet.  And yet.

The most successful and seemingly happy people are those that do stand out. Not always for their talent, but for their character.

Oprah, Branson, or Kardashian.  The talent, of course, gets them attention, but they're not trying to be anything other than who they are.

Contrast that with the typical estate agent.

At pains to be liked, to be considered an expert and to be everything that a vendor would wish for.


"I could be brown,

I could be blue,

I could be violet sky,

I could be hurtful, I could be purple,

I could be anything you like.

Gotta be green,

Gotta be mean,

Gotta be everything more,

Why don't you like me? why don't you like me?

why don't you walk out the door?"


The brilliant Mica with his hit-song, Grace Kelly.  But that's exactly the pitch delivered, every day to homeowners, by many estate agents.

The differentiation (in the minds of the vendor)?

A purple For-Sale board.  A blue board.  A Green board.

That's it!

I have a dream that one day estate agents will be judged not by the colour of their boards, but by the content of their character.

Thanks as always for reading.

Let me know your thoughts.  I'd be happy to chat.

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The post “I Have A Dream That One Day” appeared first on And so the story began.

Original author: chrisadmn
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