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‘Gym’ Membership May Be Making You ILL.

'Gym membership may be making you ill.

It's not for everyone.

The 'gym bunnies' are a certain breed.  Have a certain mentality.

If this works, do more of it.  Train until failure.

Crush it. Take no prisoners.

And, this is important.

Make sure there's someone on hand to hold you accountable.

A friend, a 'gym' member, or better yet, pay a personal trainer.

There we have it.

A magnificent specimen of a human being.

Toned and perfected to within an inch of their life.

But ultimately weak.

When thinking for themselves.

Unable to rectify their deficiencies without compromising their strengths.

Most 'gym' membership is for a minimum 12 month period.


Because 'gym's know that people sign up with all good intent and sooner, or later, drop off as they find it's not for them.

That they haven't the commitment, or desire, to see it through.

Gym's seem to be springing up everywhere you look.  Offering the promise of a healthier lifestyle.

But what if the core promise, that working out in a gym, was flawed?

What if, actually, a 'gym' is bad for you?

It may well be so.

Outdoor exercise is far more beneficial.  A healthy dose of vitamin D from sunlight.

Risk of damage to the heart.  Wear & tear on the joints. The whole point of gym work is to push you to the limit.

The most worrying aspect, though, is the exposure to carbon di-oxide.

Other people, constantly exhaling this poisonous gas.

In a confined space.  Not to mention the perspiration.

Suddenly the great outdoors seems a better, less expensive option.

This fixation with 'gym time' has now infiltrated the world of estate agency.

The promise of belonging to the exclusive set of realtors that have passed that magical million mark.

The promise of guidance, motivation and accountability.

The secret to the strategies used by those more successful than you.

And all it costs is a 12 month financial commitment.

The effects of a real-estate 'gym', however, can be equally alarming.

A never-ending treadmill of the best 'scripts'.

Routines that require you to act, but not to think.

"This is how millionaire-mindset agents do it. Just copy them."

And all the time, breathing in the 'encouragement' of like-minded souls.

Oblivious to the fact that all these scripts, templates, accountability and routines may well be making worse, the very problem that you have in the first place.

Are you good enough?

No, not good enough at what you do?

You're an estate agent.  You CAN sell homes.

What you doubt is whether you're good enough at convincing homeowners that you and your agency, are better.

Dysmorphic disorder, they call it. When you perceive defects that don't exist.

'The scripts work', they will tell you.

Avoiding the fact that any other agent with the means to pay for a 12 month membership is likely to say the very same thing.

And so all the scripts, templates, routines and training are, at best, worthless.

And, at worst, are killing the one thing you have going for you in the world of estate agency.

Your personality.  Your character.  Your self.

That's where your problem lies.

Not in your competence.

But in your lack of belief in your character.

Not that associated with brash, shiny-suited, BMW driving, garrulous agents that promise the earth.

But in the generous, humble, supportive, considerate, honest, fun and kind traits that you might possess.

And are afraid to show the world.

For that there is no 'gym'.

You just have to be better at telling your story.

And, just like any 'gym', that takes practice.


"When you're not trying to hide away the real version of yourself, people will respond.

…. that's when you find a way to connect with other human beings."   - Jon Westenberg


"The courage to be imperfect", as author, and Research Professor,  Brené Brown says in her TED Talk.

Not the perfected and polished version that 'gym' would have you believe appeals to vendors.

Overcoming objections.

Because your presentation wasn't good enough to convince.  First time.

Every no, that much closer to a yes.

Unable to rectify deficiencies without compromising strengths.

That strength?   Comes from who you are.

Not what you sell.

It's a simple choice.

Be who you are.

Or, join the 'gym bunnies' and be, who someone else tells you to be.

Estate agency endures this lowly reputation and does very little to change that perception.









It takes time to build your personal brand.

But it is so much better to be part of the solution.

Than part of the problem.

I hope you agree.

Thanks, as always, for reading.

If you need information on building a personal brand, check out the web site at

Prefer to chat? Call me.

mob: 07875 141436

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The post ‘Gym’ Membership May Be Making You ILL. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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