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Difference Need Not Mean Separation.

Difference Need Not Mean Separation.

There is a polarity in the sector of real estate.  Deliberately and damagingly created by some that would claim to be trying to improve performance and bring inclusion.

Us  vs. Them.

The "good" estate agents and the "bad".

Good, better, best - spawning an award industry built on competition and separation. Handing out arbitrary "awards" to those that comply with a certain model and mindset. Inviting comparison from those ill-equipped to judge.

There's no denying that estate agency has a unenviable reputation - but in my opinion, those tasked with fixing the problem are the very ones creating it.

Encouraging such competition and shaming those that fall short of their definition of best-practice. Demanding compliance and regulation.

Surely, it's time to understand that everyone has their own version of the industry and their vision of the world around them.

Pressure to conform, to fit in, to standardise not only how agents behave but how they think is both calculating and controlling.

Their aim is to have every agent fit-in to this utopian vision - respected for what they do and for what they know. The ubiquitous "local property expert.".

Would lack of standards, qualification and regulation bring about a "wild-west" for real estate?

It already exists!

Because, for all that many realtors might become respected for what they do and what they know, more important is Who they are and that, that is ignored.

It's surely time to abandon "better than" in favour of different from.

Time to understand why certain agents fall below the standard imposed on them by others. Perhaps they no longer buy into the set of rules written by an industry that's lost our respect?

Time, perhaps, to dismantle the archaic and traditional way of having every realtor perform  - like a circus lion imprisoned in a "cage"; crushed in spirit when it tries to escape.

Time to encourage difference and diversity. Bringing authenticity and fostering transparency.

Attracting those that find affinity in the agent's core values and beliefs. Discouraging those that aren't a good fit. They will eventually find their perfect match when true difference is permitted.

The alternative is chasing after and interrupting anyone and everyone.

Hustling, closing and overcoming - what sort of existence is that?

When there is little pressure to conform, we see all manner of creative freedom. Allowing agents to simply be more of Who they are, at their best.

When there is no compulsion on an agent to become anything other than Who they are, those self-appointed "custodians of competence" will need to inspire attention from others, rather than force it.  If they can do that, they can achieve what they desire.

An agent choosing to develop and advance, rather than being compelled. Then there will be no "rule-breakers" - only those that are capable and those that are unwilling.

Call me naïve but I'd prefer an agent with integrity, over one highly competent but with less integrity.

That's the thing with character - you can't impose your values on someone else. You can only encourage.

Every single person has their unique character.

That difference need not mean separation. That they are kind, loyal and fair. Optimistic, responsible and wise. Or, that they are arrogant, relentless and determined should not exclude them.

We might learn something from them. As it stands, we don't even know Who they are.

Conformity and best-practice has produced this commodity sector we call real estate. Bland, myopic and insular.

The mavericks, the misfits, the square-pegs, the black sheep - those that refuse to conform often have some wisdom to impart. If they are still around.

"Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don't."  - Leo Buscaglia.

If it is time to replace Better with Different, the vehicle for such change is surely Personal Brand.

There's little meaningful difference in how realtors operate at their best. Everything that is deemed worthy can and will be easily be replicated.

Except Character.

When character traits are suppressed, when we wear the "mask" to overcome our fears,  it can lead to anxiety and under-performance. Acting out this role prevents authenticity and true connection.

Building a Personal Brand allows you to become more of your authentic self. Who are you not to be great.

The question is " Will you be given permission?"

Or will you conform to how others would have you think and act?

Personal Brand is the unique opportunity for any agent to instantly differentiate - without being separate.

Here's how to reach me if you choose to break free from the chains that bind. From the way things have always been done:

Mob: (44) 07369251435

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thanks, as always, for reading this far.











The post Difference Need Not Mean Separation. first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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