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Be A Super-Hero, Not A Trusted Guide.

By ChrisArnold in General 47 views 7th Dec, 2024 Video Duration: N/A
Don't we all love a Super-Hero? Someone to protect us?

We could use a guide to get us to our destination - but guides are very common and usually take the easist path.

Sometimes, the easiest path isn't the most fulfilling. We miss out.

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Comments (2)
  • What is the difference Chris? If I were a pensioner on my own for example who is buying or selling a property, ant wasn't tech savvy or had access toWhat is the difference Chris? If I were a pensioner on my own for example who is buying or selling a property, ant wasn't tech savvy or had access to the internet, I'd want a super hero to take charge and get me to my destination. I imagine a guide would tell me what to do and leave it to me to do everything, or am I missing the point?  More ...
  • Guide's aren't there to protect and serve - they are there to show the way. I'm of the opinion that selling a home is a relatively straightforwardGuide's aren't there to protect and serve - they are there to show the way. I'm of the opinion that selling a home is a relatively straightforward process, aside from "the bumps in the road". Plenty of estate agents can make the process smooth, but my point is that they can equally be self-serving, rather than protective. If the Area Director says do this, because we have to achieve that, the customer-facing agent has to do as they are told. That can mean selling at a lower price than might have been achieved; accepting an offer instead of waiting a few weeks; numerous manipulative practices that a SuperHero agent just would not entertain.

    Superwoman isn't there to benefit herself.
      More ...

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