Why you should be part of our Digital, Data and Technology Directorate

mrmohock/Shutterstock.com 1. Our infrastructure drives economic growth ZGPhotography/Shutterstock.co...

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  1115 Hits

Security, speed, affordability: the benefits of lodging certified copies with first registrations

ashadhodhomei/Shutterstock.com Four years ago I provided some top tips on how to overcome the teethi...

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Improving our service speeds

Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement on the public health measures implemented across...

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  1850 Hits

Encouraging digital identity checking in conveyancing

Trismegist san/Shutterstock.com A few months ago I wrote about the inconvenience and inconsistency o...

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Israel Spielman: clerk, soldier, HM Land Registry pioneer

Lightspring/Shutterstock.com As a member of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Network Stee...

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  1037 Hits

On track to data migration: how Stockton rose to the local land charges challenge

bjonesphotography/Shutterstock.com Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council is proud to be the first local a...

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  1046 Hits

Service transformation, not just iteration

One of the great things about stepping into the product manager role on a service you have worked wi...

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How the Local Land Charges Advisory Board is improving our service

HM Land Registry’s Local Land Charges (LLC) Programme is transforming 314 local authority LLC regist...

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Celebrating two years of the Local Digital Declaration

In this post, Ben Cheetham, Cyber and Technology Lead at the Local Digital Collaboration Unit, refle...

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  1206 Hits

We’ve funded 11 collaborative projects through the Local Digital COVID-19 Challenge

The Local Digital Collaboration Unit at MHCLG is delighted to announce the 11 projects that will be ...

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  917 Hits

Two years of fixing the plumbing: celebrating ‘Digital Declaration Month’

In July, the Local Digital Collaboration Unit celebrated the second anniversary of the Local Digital...

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  982 Hits

Key findings and recommendations from the cyber security discovery

The Local Digital Collaboration Unit Cyber team has come to the end of a two-month discovery into cy...

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  1147 Hits

Creating a framework for designing consultations  

MHCLG and Policy Lab hosted consultative events that fed into the Social Housing Green Paper. Recent...

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  1123 Hits

Launching the Energy Performance of Buildings Register

After months spent rebuilding the Energy Performance of Buildings Register, our team had an exciting...

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  1320 Hits

MHCLG looking for DDaT professionals for a new Birmingham HQ

MHCLG Digital Jobs The Digital Directorate in MHCLG is still less than three years old but things ar...

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  953 Hits

Delivering Local Land Charges and planning for the future

Back in March, I was asked to lead HM Land Registry’s Local Land Charges (LLC) Programme. I can reca...

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  1199 Hits
Cron Job Starts