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What’s happening with the property market in your area?

This week we’re kicking things off by asking you what’s happening with the market in your area? Are things hotting up, slowing down or staying largely the same?

With all the talk of the cost of living crisis and rising interest rates, we’re keen to find out from you what affect its having and if now is still a great time to buy or sell.

You can feedback to us via our email address: HappyToHelp@WiggyWam.co.uk - via our website: www.wiggywam.co.uk - or via Twitter: @WiggyWam_UK

By the way, you can grab your hot-off-the-press copy of Homebuyers Secrets by visiting our website - www.homebuyerssecrets.co.uk - if you want to arm yourself with never-before-revealed knowledge and information to fast-track your property success.

To pledge your allegiance to the property revolution, help others by liking, subscribing, and sharing this video with your friends and family.

We look forward to seeing you on a future webinar very soon.


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