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14. Get Paid More Faster

In this short playlist, you can learn how agents just like you are overcoming major challenges and putting themselves on track to make 7-figures a year.

Sounds unbelievable? Not at all - you just need to find a better way of doing things. Take the time to watch these informative videos and take plenty of notes because they're the keys to unlocking the future life and business of your dreams.

The only way to become a successful 7-figure agent is to get paid more and get paid faster than ever before - here's your shortcut to success.

If you'd like to reach your 2024 goals in double-quick time - reach out to us: HappyToHelp@WiggyWam.co.uk and we'll work together to help you hit your goals faster than ever before.

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Comments (1)
  • Observing the process that a family member is going through right now is interesting. There is no chain and it is a cash buyer. They are now going inObserving the process that a family member is going through right now is interesting. There is no chain and it is a cash buyer. They are now going in to week 4 and the TA6 and TA10 forms etc. have only just been completed and posted back to the solicitor today. Given it is a weekend there is even more delay.

    If they had used a digital Seller's Pack service when they listed their property, not only is it simpler because you can complete it on a mobile, tablet or desktop device, it is also faster and delivered to all parties in the format that's required instantly after completion. Also, because its digital, if you make mistakes you can quickly undo them (unlike hard copy where things are crossed out, or some handwriting is illegible and looks a mess.

    Doing everything upfront makes total sense and having the support of video guidance walking you through the forms would make it so much simpler - less frustration and cursing through lack of understanding as I just witnessed!
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