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Have the courage to go first.

By ChrisArnold in Estate Agent Training 171 views 27th Oct, 2024 Video Duration: N/A
We all wear a "mask" to hide our insecurities but when it matters, transparency wins the day.

What if no-one goes first and they all hide behind the safe corporate brand?

We lose the the ability to build trust - that's what happens!

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Comments (2)
  • So very true. Social media is full of 'mask wearers' painting the perfect life. But they are not the interesting ones. They are the ones I scrollSo very true. Social media is full of 'mask wearers' painting the perfect life. But they are not the interesting ones. They are the ones I scroll past. The ones who are interesting, show their vulnerability, have empathy for others, tell stories, share the painful as well as the happy events in their lives and so on.  More ...
  • What's the worst that can happen? We find others who align with our values.

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