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Bring them Along With You

By ChrisArnold in Estate Agent Training 144 views 28th Oct, 2024 Video Duration: N/A
Transactions are OK - if you're comfortable being mediocre.

Relationships have a longer life.

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Comments (2)
  • Excellent! We spend most of our lives trying to be something we are not. Afraid that the real us isn't good enought. The most appealing thing aboutExcellent! We spend most of our lives trying to be something we are not. Afraid that the real us isn't good enought. The most appealing thing about people is their authentic self, their story, their journey. At least that's the most interesting for me. When you talk to someone you don't know, you instantly warm to them when they become human and talk about something personal. It happened to us when we were buying a new car last year. Found a lovely, warm salesman, kind, empathetic, it all oozed out of him. He could have sold us anything by the end.   More ...
  • Life becomes "sweeter" when people understand each other.

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