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Assigning The Tasks I Set To All The Related Participants to each Property or Development Site Sale/Purchase Transaction.

By NoelGroves in Legal/Conveyancing 454 views 11th Jun, 2023 Video Duration: N/A
I cannot emphasize enough How critical this is For every Estate Agent who is Listed on Wiggywam and who lists their Vendor Client's
Property or Development Site on Wiggywam.

It transends WiggyWam this Interactive Property Platform and relates to every existing housing stock property and development site sale/purchase transaction close to estate agency company who is listed on Wiggywam now or in the future.

Soon,I will be finish setting all the tasks for all the related participants and they will all be listed on 2 separate PDF's.One for Existing Housing Stock and one for Development Sites in all size ranges throughout London and England.

When I have completed that in coming weeks,then maybe with WiggyWam Ltd the owner of this Platform,with owners of other Property Portals and Platforms,solicitors,estate agency companies and others who are not Adverse to change I will fine tune it.

I have already shifted the responsibility for some of the Tasks to different participants to promptly complete.

This alone might be toomuch to handle for Estate Agency Companies and Solicitors as it goes against the status quo current way of dong things that results in 1 in 3 Yearly Abortive Property Transactions and Excessive Needless Delay and Legal Completion time frames of up to or more than 150 Days.

If all the participants do not know what to do,How will they do it? They won't. Worse they will never know what is realistically possible and will accept more of the same substandard conveyancing service provided via estate agency companies like the now defunct PurpleBriicks Group PLC where it is proven that none of the Board of Directors ever knew what they were doing,especially in respect to the legal process part of each property transaction. A New Company has posibly taken over where Purplebricks Group PLC left off to deliver similar service levels that UK unsuspecting fall prey to the False Claims made by such copany who simply do not understand how to deliver what they state they are able to in their False Claims that future Vendors full Victim to.

I will take Free Trial of www.monday.com in the coing weeks,possibly at the same time WiggyWam Ltd and suitable solicitors take it to establish if all the Tasks I set can be set and assigned via monday.com

I do not seek to solely rely on this Platform and the "Back End" software that enables it to function to deliver what I seek to offer via my Estate Agency Proposition and the benefits of it to Estate Agency Companies,Vendors,Future New Vendors,Buyers,Development Site Owners and Property Developers.

Possibly all the Tasks I will set can be Assigned by Me,Wiggywam Ltd or Agent Project Manager Via each Property or Development Site Workspace generated by this Platform for each property or Development Site transaction listed on it.

To assist me Fast Track our rate of progress I will probably obtain Clio Legal Tech Software in the coming weeks so I have what I need to explain everything to Effective Solicitors who seek to offer enhanced conveyancing service and other legal services by better fufilling the legal needs of development site owners,property developers,funders and equity investors.

To move forward with me and maybe forming an ongoing business arrangement with me if you are solicitor or other related party and/or participant or future client to property or development site transactions,please contact me directly, noelgroves8@googlemail.com

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