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Revenge By A Farmer Against Someone Who Fly Tipped On His Land.

By NoelGroves in Cleaning/Waste Removal 467 views 10th Jun, 2023 Video Duration: N/A
Someone I know,an Independent Waste Contractor local to me seeks to find a suitable yard or commercial land with few if any buildings on to use as a "Mini Recycling Centre" where he separates waste to minimize the cost of its legal waste disposal at Tips.

Given,my role of site finder there is no problem finding what he seeks either direct to yard/site owners or via Agents.

When I explained to one agent acting for 3 Acre Site in South London that could be sub divded into 20,000 sq ft plots for prospective short tenants, when I explained what the waste contractor wanted it for,I was told it would not be considered.

Fair enough,BUT I countered it and will produce a full solution for any site or yard owner who has misgivings and concerns about letting their land or yard to a reputable small waste contractor sufficient to let any small,larger site or yard to obtain monthly rental income for 3 months to 3 years for their land/yard that is currently yielding no income.

Tyres will be a No No.

For the Short Term Commercial Lease & Licence Agreement If after the Offers and summary doc I draft to accompany offers that are made Direct to site/Yard owners meets with some kind of positive response,I can draft lease or licence agreement I obtained from British Property Federation to give any site/yard owner the comfort to proceed to at least rent to independent waste contractor I know.

He wants a yard and is comitted to gtting one in the next 2 months.

In both types of agreements I will place obligations and other stuff on the waste contractor and critically on his guarantor so the site owner/yard owner prospective landlord or licensor is certain any yard will not be trashed and overrun with any type of waste I do not specify and list on the lease and that when the waste contractor is given notice to leave the yard that its left in the same condition a it was taken with no waste left on it.

Signing any such Lease or Licence Agreement I might draft if the waste contractor makes it worth my while would not be suitable for the "Feint Hearted" including the "Guarantor" of the rent up and until the site/yard is vacated.

If you may have a suitable yard or commercial land to rent within a few miles radius of Croydon,please contact me directly,


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