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Best Agent? Hit the Reset Button.

By ChrisArnold in Estate Agent Training 137 views 27th Nov, 2024 Video Duration: N/A
"Best" is subjective - unless you have all the facts and all your competitors facts - it's only half the story.

Asking a potential client to decide when they're only gettinghalf the story is asking for rejection.

What if they were forced to choose?

You're so awesome that you would be their favourite - except that you don't share that with them.

Forcing a choice is easy - we get to choose all day, every day. What clothes to wear, what food to eat, where to relax and unwind? We are good, most times, at choice.

Not so good, though, when we are invited to make a decision without knowing the full story.

For the less ethical agents, that's their strategy. If you can't convince them, confuse them.

Is that the 'game' you want to play.

Your choice.

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