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LandFund Free Appraisal Software - Suitable To Appraise Many Residential Development Sites.

By NoelGroves in Property Development 512 views 19th Apr, 2023 Video Duration: N/A
We can use this appraisal soiftware to accurately appraise the sites I may add to my Other WiggyWam Account either to progress with WiggyWam Ltd or other third party consultants,Estate Agents,Quantity Surveyors,Debt Funders,Equity Investors,Fundraise Platforms,Forward Purchasers etc.

I can give you Private Access to a Development Site Workspace to cover everything that relates to Fast Track Legal Completions of Site Sales/Acquisitions,

Many Funders,Platforms and Solicitors do not cover the relevant points at the outset so claims of Fast Funding for Property Developers is not what it seems when they reach the point when the legal and other neglect catches them out and the delay.problems and failure occur.

Fast Receeipt & Indicative Terms of Debt Funding is a long way and a substantial time perioid away from any pre-qualified property developer promptly receiving the compontents of the full funding stack within a realistic time frame.

I cover everything in the Tasks that I am setting for the Participants in my WiggyWam Generated Development Site Workspace.

If you seek to gain access that results from my Invitation to you,please contact me and I will explain how tou obtain a Free WiggyWam Account so we can progress matters.


All Projects can be listed on my other WiggyWam Account or where they are not on the open market they can be privately stored in a Developmenty Site Workspace I create for them.

On this or elsewhere on my 2 WiggWam Accounts I can make a list types of projects we can deal with either only to assist suitable property developer to buy one or some of them until their funding capacity is exhausted and/or for me to arrange funding alone or in association with Funder, Platform or Intermediary.

I know it goes against inneficiency,Delay,protracted Fundraise Periods and Failure etc etc ,But I want all related legal contracts and those required to legally complete the full funding stack sat in the Clio Accounts of suitable solicitors who assist to fast track legal completions of the full funding stack for suitable property developers.

If you are a solicitor who can assist in this regard please contact me directly.


At the outset for site sourcing prior to accurate appraisals being carried out,offer formulation and submission direct to each registered owner of any one of these projects in all size ranges,the 2 relevant draft legal contracts are the Lockout Agreement for me to effect eexclusive purchase negotiations with ant site,land or PD Building owner and Property Developer and the subsequent Purchase Option Contract signed by oowner and developer to grant a realistic time period for Developer to finalise full funding arrangements.

Purchase Exclusivity & Certainty by all Developers is required irrespective of the level of their funding preparedness.

In the early stages of site finding,I is possible I can effect these 2 legal contracts between site owner and property developer or a solicitor can do it,ideally through their clio account.

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