By RobertMay on Monday, 26 August 2024
Category: General

Ground-breaking - accurate - instant data to assist Estate Agents and IFAs

It's the middle of summer, and even though sunrise is still an hour away, I'm already half an hour into my workday. Why? Because yesterday, we achieved something incredible: analyzing and displaying 9.96 trillion property data points in just 100 milliseconds – about the time it takes Concorde, flying at Mach 2, to travel 66 yards and get to New York in 3 1/2 hours. 🚀

My job isn't about nerding, geeking, or showing off; it's about giving prospective clients confidence. For agents, this means having the tools to impress clients with accurate, instant data. For IFAs, it means being able to instantly detect if someone's spinning a yarn. We've finally unlocked transparency in the property industry, and that's exciting – knowing the answer before the question's even asked.

As a service supplier to a service industry, I know how important it is to get things right. The people delivering this info need to trust its accuracy 'cause they can't stop to check the numbers. It has to work like magic, where the speed and precision are almost beyond understanding.

Delivering incredible detail at conversation speed is crucial. It means responding with fully informed, accurate facts without needing complicated maths or waiting for reports. It's all about being professional, informed, and ready in real-time.

I'm excited for the people who'll get to use this innovation to win business. The thrill of this achievement has me buzzing, as I know what it can do for you.

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