By ChrisArnold on Saturday, 28 October 2023
Category: General

“Integrity – If You Don’t Have The First…”

"Integrity - If You Don't Have The First..."

When looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities; integrity, intelligence and energy. And if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you  - Warren Buffett

When vendors come to hire a realtor/estate agent, intelligence isn't in short supply. They have to be reasonably smart to do what they do.

Energy - estate agency is not a 9-5 job and never will be, so energy is a necessity.  Even if it's trudging the streets, touting for business by impertinently knocking doors of homeowners that didn't consider them good enough to instruct, first time.

There's plenty of energetic agents that are gym-bunnies, flexing the muscles and sharing the pics of pecs. Good on them - healthy body, healthy mind and all of that.

But when it comes to agents with Integrity, that's a whole new ball game.

Let's define Integrity for a moment.

It's not simply being honest. Agents can use demonstrable facts and data to convince & convert a potential client but still  be selective in the process, or ambiguous with opinion.  A half-truth.

I believe Integrity is standing up for what you believe is right and living by your highest values. And therein lies the problem for most agents.

They don't take time to determine what values matter to them. There's very little self-awareness and even less sharing of it with clients. And it is usually a transaction and not a relationship.

"It's not about YOU, it's really not. It's about the client." is advice from well-meaning but limited-thinking agency gurus. "Put the client first - make them the Hero of the story." "Nobody cares about You or your agency"

How ass-backward is that?

A potential client that needs and wants to know WHO the agent is and what they value - and an agent that would first rather ask questions of the potential client. Because that's what the AGENT wants to know and their needs come first!

A potential client in an emotional state of doubt and trepidation and an agent asking questions that require logical thought.

"Show them you care" is how gurus justify such questioning -  whilst the potential client is guarded and doesn't want a deep-dive into their motives UNTIL they better know the agent. It's intrusive being asked question by a complete stranger but less so by someone you know, like and trust.

No wonder agents are stuck in a purgatory of endless comparison and rejection.

If you don't spell it out for the potential client, they are going to guess. Could they trust you? Are we a good fit? They will be looking at body-language, tone-of-voice, eye contact and other social cues - paying scant attention to what the agent is actually asking.

Guess what? If they don't like you, if there's no affinity with Who you are, you're default dead. Get a Personal Brand that shines light on Who you are, not what you do.

Integrity is standing up for what you believe and living by your highest standards.

"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false and incur my own abhorrence."  - Frederick Douglass.

Here's the thing I've learnt about Integrity - an undiscovered lie has greater capacity to diminish us than one that is exposed. They erode our strength and our self-esteem. A day filled with deliberate exaggeration, obscurity, vagueness and questionable promises is tiresome on the body, mind and soul.

It's why I admire those agents with the courage to authentically be themselves - despite their imperfections. They're not always trying to please everyone -  just themselves.

It's an ethical and moral dilemma. With no right or wrong answer.

But by your choice will you define your life.

In hindsight, I've lived most of my life without true integrity, without a moral compass - had I not done so, I wouldn't now appreciate how important it is to be true to oneself. Life is a process of constant creation, thank goodness. If one is not happy with a choice, choose again.

I'm finally happy and content.

Thank, as always, for reading.

Here's how to reach me if the need ever arises:

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Mob: (44) 07369251435





The post “Integrity – If You Don’t Have The First…” first appeared on And so the story began.

(Originally posted by chrisadmn)
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