By ChrisArnold on Thursday, 13 June 2024
Category: General

Easy Choices, Hard Life.

I don't know about you, but I always wanted to join a club that was exclusive. 

Clubs that had easy entry, not so much.

I liked to surround myself with those who didn't relate to mediocrity.

Where the masses went, I went in the opposite direction. 

So it's no surprise to learn that I'm not a big fan of the RightMove property portal.

Everything to everybody. As many as possible. Reach over depth - even when reach isn't relevant. 

It's kinda like a glorified version of the classified ads we used to get in the old days.

Tiny homes and tiny logos. 

Even a cursory glance at the site reveals 26 listings per page. 

OK if you're a buyer, but if you're a seller, that's 25 other properties that are competing, on the same page, for the same buyer. 

Not so OK, though, for the buyer because they get limited information. A snapshot that is hardly inspiring. Wasting the time of the buyer and the seller. Sometimes it plays out well - most times it doesn't.

We hear the argument from agents that if they aren't on RM, the client won't instruct. 

So that's a client then that wants their property in competition with 25 or more others? A client that doesn't need stunning images/videos/descriptions before a conference call and then a viewing? 

When the perspective changes from one of competition to exclusivity, the perception changes.The price goes up. 

We are willing to pay more for something that's exclusive.

So, a property that isn't on RM, because the client doesn't want to compete with other listings, makes sense. 

Especially on a platform that puts the agency first, not the property.

That's never going to happen on Rightmove - the portal isn't there to promote the agency, they want more eyeballs for their advertisers.

But on this inspiring platform that is WiggyWam, the agency gets priority and their client gets drop-dead gorgeous marketing.

It's a win-win. Less views, but the right views and less competition with other vendors. 

Add to that live video conferencing, social network integration, real-time live chat in other languages and so much more.

Communication and Collaboration. 


Then, to cap it all, a founding team that wants things FOR you - not FROM you. 

Doing business with the 'good-guys' improves efficiency and makes for an altogether more enjoyable experience.

It's an 'easy choice' doing what every other agency is doing, albeit one that is expensive. But the process, which often can take 6 months or longer, becomes that much harder. Life becomes harder.

The 'hard choice' - doing what the crowd aren't doing - makes life easier, for sure.

I'm a big fan of WiggyWam.

It's evolving into something really special.

Pick up the phone and chat with them now. 

Life and business isn't meant to be hard.

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