By SilasJLees on Sunday, 29 March 2020
Category: Experts Corner

Guide To Property Sourcing & Project Management

Einstein once famously said, "The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different result". Less infamous, yet still a quote by Einstein is; "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits!"

Why are we opening with these profound quotes from one of the most intelligent men to have ever lived? Well its quite simple really, as most profound genius really is. The market is currently going through a huge period of change and no longer will it be the same. Yes, we would all like to think that this whole thing will blow over very quickly, yet for the more realistic amongst us, we recognise that its likely to be a long-drawn out process getting through the effects of the CoronaVirus and dealing with the devastation it has left in its wake.

Without meaning to be the purveyor of doom and gloom, history often repeats itself. Unfortunately, the 2008 recession didn't address some of the fundamental issues that were at play and instead, the massive correction in the marketplace which should have happened, was kicked down the road through quantative-easing measures. This essentially pumped billions if not trillions of pounds, dollars and yen of fiat currency (notice we didn't say money), into the global economy, allowing it to limp on for another 12 years.

When we look at what happened with the 1929 economic depression, we will see that there was an enormous impact in the economies of the world. We're not here to scare you, so please do your own research on these points. The stock market tumbled by around 80% and property prices more than halved. Whilst the depression only lasted 4 years, it took more than 25 years for the stock market to recover. We'd all love to think it could never happen again, however if we plan for a worst-case scenario, anything beyond that will be a bonus, right?

Being in a position where you are aware of what's going on in the world puts you ahead of 90% of your competitors. You will be able to take appropriate action ahead of the pack and avert disaster to your business by cutting unnecessary expenses and finding new sources of income. No doubt your actions will be copied by your competition, but by then it is likely to all be too late for those who will have been stuck in an insanity trance of doing the same things they used to do whilst expecting a different result.

Throughout this guide, we will show you how to do the following:

This guide has been compiled from years of experience in various sectors of the property industry, from estate and letting agency, surveying, property investing as well as training and mentoring countless people to become property investors. During that time, we met hundreds of agents across the Country. We analysed the areas where the best agents were excelling against a backdrop of mediocre competition. We want to share these insights with you to help you become the best agent in your local area.

If you'd like to know more about some of the topics contained within this guide, feel free to contact us where we will be more than happy to give you the best of our knowledge and advice.

We wish you all the best in implementing these ideas into your business. If you would like a copy of our more in-depth 80+ page guide on how to find stellar property deals and manage the refurbishment process, please email us below and it will be our pleasure to provide this £397 gift to you, free of charge:


We dedicate this guide to all those people who are determined enough to make their dreams come true.Those of you who continually face uphill struggles, setbacks and disappointments in life, yet keep on going no matter what.

The road to personal and business success is long and winding; full of learning opportunities which bring certain challenges and frustrations. However, those determined souls who keep digging deep and keep trying 'just one more time' know, that one day soon, it will all be worthwhile. You are the true heroes in life and our source of inspiration. Thank you for being all that you are.

Welcome to the Property Revolution, we're just getting started.


Unfortunately, in today's litigious society, we must state that the ideas shared within this guide do not constitute in any way, financial advice or guidance and we are not regulated by the FCA or any other financial regulation authority. We are not qualified to make any such claims regarding the merits or otherwise of a particular investment, particularly within an economy that is greatly uncertain at the time of writing (March 2020).

We encourage all parties reading this guide to seek sound and competent financial guidance from a suitably qualified party in accordance with the law. We also encourage all parties to seek sound and competent legal guidance from suitably qualified lawyers.

WiggyWam, it's directors or employees cannot, and will not, be held responsible for any errors or omissions contained within this guide and share the information contained within as ideas and suggestions only.


At the time of compiling this guide, the world is going through unprecedented change. The CoronaVirus scare has sent over 3 Billion people into lockdown, planes are grounded, businesses are closing their door to the public and all eyes are on the media as to how this whole pandemic will play out.

Amongst the casualties of these unusual chains of events are the estate and letting agents together with their clients. The property market has all but ground to a halt and we expect it to take many months for things to get back to normal. This is another blow to the industry which has gone through unprecedented legislative change over the last few years.

We know the care and attention agents put into looking after their clients, with many going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure they are offering the very best service possible. Unfortunately doing so involves many long hours, sometimes at unsocial times to stay on top of things. It is with this in mind that we offer this guide to those agents who are forward-thinking enough to want to not only survive the current market turmoil, but to really thrive when we are out of the starting blocks again.

Without a doubt, the property market may never be the same again and as Darwin once famously said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change, that lives within the means available and works co-operatively against common threats."

We have included the full quote for you as most often, the quote ends at the word 'change'. However, the future we envisage for the industry relies very heavily on the last part of Darwin's infamous quote "…that lives within the means available and works co-operatively against common threats." We see the property industry being radically revolutionised by the changes forced upon it to a more efficient, streamlined and consumer-centric approach. Those smart agents that make the changes now, however hard some of them may appear to be, will certainly be the ones that come out on top over the next few years. Those that fail to adapt and make changes will almost certainly perish.

We trust that you, dear reader, wish to survive and thrive in the current economic situation and be the one agent that wins more business from the ones that failed to make a change.

Finding great deals

Before we get into the renovation and refurbishment process, it's important to know where to find the best deals which you can pass onto your clients in exchange for a handsome fee. We would encourage all agents reading this to charge a fair sourcing fee to your investor clients which will ensure your time spent is worthwhile, but also you get the benefits of repeat business when your client feels taken care of.

One step to take before you get into sourcing deals is to find out which of your clients are still looking for property deals. Now this won't be everyone in the current climate, but there will always be a hard core of investors who will still want to invest and acquire new deals. Not everyone will want the same type of property, nor have the same investment strategy, so it's worthwhile carefully interviewing potential clients to understand their requirements and match suitable properties to them. There will also be those people who are scared that their pensions will be worthless with the stock market crashing, so it may be easier to find buyers for deals than you first thought.

However, ensure you are working with competent legal and professional financial advisors if you want to go down this route so you are keeping yourself on the right side of the law.

As the economy begins to get tougher over the coming weeks and months, some seller behaviour will begin to change. There will always be a certain segment of the marketplace who will want to try and save on fees by doing the work of trying to sell the property themselves. It's important to be on the lookout for what we call FSBO's (pronounced Fuzz-bo's), which means For Sale By Owner.

First of all, let's take a look at some of the sources where we used to suggest property investors find deals. For some, this will be a huge insight into how investors work, so for maximum benefit, we're sharing it complete and unedited from the secret investor handbooks we created to assist investors in their journey. Then, we'll share with you the top tips to renovating and project-managing properties for your buyer clients and claiming a sizeable fee for your efforts.

Secret Investor Handbook Extracts – Finding Great Property Deals

(To preserve the authenticity of the message, we have included it in its entirety).

The below are sources to investigate if you want to find the best deals within your chosen investment area. Keep in mind that you will revisit these sources again and again over the coming months and years as you build your business, so please do not think that once you've explored a potential source once, that's the hard work done. What's that famous quote about the mother of all skills being repetition….?

As you patrol your investment area, you must visit and revisit these potential sources several times in order to be effective. The rewards for this repetition are enormous. Just one deal a year from any of these sources will pay for your time, effort and energy.

We are quite sure that you will be able to come up with your own possible sources for deals too, so take a moment to jot down a few more places where you might be able to find great deals that your competition aren't even considering (you can post them in the comments below if you wish).

The Renovation and Refurbishment Process

By now, you should have a clearer understanding of how to find great deals. The part of the process that we are going to cover now is the one single area where most new investors can really sink themselves and cost themselves a fortune. By understanding the renovation and refurbishment process and what's involved from a project management perspective, you can assist your clients in avoiding expensive headaches and put money in both of your pockets.

Despite the fact that programmes such as Homes Under The Hammer and DIY SOS have made renovating a property look easy, the reality is you are going to be faced with quite a few

challenges that need to be met head-on in order for the proposed renovation project to succeed. Some of you may be tempted to think that you can short-cut the process by offering on properties that are already done up, however the problem with this is that you are not adding value to the property so your client may not be able to refinance it to recover the renovation costs and their deposit. So ideally, the properties you are looking for will require some renovation in order to increase their value. You will also find it easier to buy distressed properties at a discounted price as you can justify a lower offer because of the level of work required.

One of the key issues that people face when renovating a property is the desire to do so to their own tastes rather than for what is required to suit the market. The danger here is the emotional attachment which causes people to overspend by putting a Jacuzzi bath in the bathroom and installing the 'Christie's Kitchen' with built in appliances and granite worktops in a two-bedroom terraced house in Hull!! Now this may sound extreme, however we have seen many examples where new investors have been swayed by their emotions to buy and install the more expensive kitchen and bathroom which all adds to the costs and will ultimately affect their bottom line. Furthermore, personal, individual tastes may well be against what the market actually wants and you will find it harder to rent your property or sell it for the price required if you haven't paid close attention to what the market wants.

Remember, your property renovations need to be 'fit for purpose' so you are not going to be living there yourself. However, that does not mean doing a substandard job of the renovations, or offering poor quality accommodation. The standard you are aiming for is one where you would be happy to live in the property yourself. If you listen to your intuition, you will not provide squalor, nor will you renovate the properties to the level of Buckingham Palace! It will be to a good standard; clean, tidy and presentable; a blank canvas on which your tenants or buyers can create a home out of rather than living with your chosen mark of individualism.

Another key mistake people make is the order in which renovation works are carried out at a property as most new project managers lack the experience of being able to refurbish a property to a good standard in a short period of time.In order to keep you safe in this process, let's take a look at an efficient order for the renovation works:

The above gives a comprehensive order for the renovation works and will help ensure the various tradesmen are not falling over one another on site which can in itself cause problems! On the average three-bedroom, two-storey terraced property, which is the staple diet of most property investors, you can expect the renovation process to take no longer than 4-6 weeks to complete. Have upfront discussions with your builder and various tradespeople over how they want to be paid for their work. They may want paying weekly or at the end of the job, however at no point should you be giving them money up front for their proposed work. If they require materials to start the job and do not want to be out of pocket for them, the best thing to do is get them to order the materials whilst you pay for them and get them delivered to site so you have ownership of them. There are many horror stories of people who have trusted a rogue builder and to their detriment, have been ripped off for several hundreds if not thousands of pounds.

When working with builders and tradesmen, ensure your attitude towards them is in alignment with your expectations.The best way to explain what we mean here is via some examples. Take Fred, an amateur investor who has the belief that you cannot trust anyone and he believes that all builders are out to rip him off in any way possible.Unsurprisingly, this becomes his experience over his last 3 projects. He talks about how he has sacked tradesman after tradesman which cost him an additional £20,000 over the three projects with delays as he is unable to find people to complete work for him. He then ends up with people working on his jobs who fit the profile of what he thinks – i.e. they all rip him off and no-one can be trusted! Interesting…

Let's contrast this with Bradley, a professional investor who has worked hard to build a team of reliable tradespeople whom he is able to supply with regular work whilst he spends his time identifying good deals. He was quick to establish a template for the renovations with his builder, which meant everyone knew what was expected, leaving little room for surprises or changes in the specification along the way. This in turn led to the builder and various tradespeople working seamlessly together on site and implementing the order of works efficiently so each project was completed on time and within budget. This approach of trusting his team until they prove otherwise has served him well and allowed him to save lots of time and money over the last two years of building his Buy-to-Let portfolio.

Knowing The Numbers

This guide wouldn't be complete unless we spent some time considering the numbers in relation to property deals. After all, how would you know a deal is a good deal and worth offering to your potential investor clients unless you have an understanding of what they are looking for?

First of all, it's important to say that every investor will have a different strategy which will include the type of property that they buy as well as the price they pay for it. Some investors are more 'armchair investors' and won't require a discount on the purchase price as they are doing this as a sideline to their main income, whereas other investors earn their living from trading property or being landlords and will require a greater discount on the purchase price.

This gives great opportunities for the smart agent who can see the possibilities. What we are about to share with you is pure gold as far as making additional revenue for your business is concerned. And all we are asking for is 50% of your commissions for sharing this valuable information with you ;-)

There are a couple of things to bear in mind when you are setting out to build this part of your business. First of all, you want to buy to demand. What we mean by that is, it's easier to sell something when you have ready, willing and able buyers ready to pounce on a hot deal. So, the best way to spend your time initially is to speak with your existing landlord clients and find out who is in the market to buy property.

Really interview them and drill down on their requirements; what type of property are they looking for? What is their strategy (for more information on what we mean by this, get hold of a copy of our 'Digging for Diamonds' manual)? Are they ready to buy now and if so, how will they fund the purchase? Are they cash or mortgage buyers? Will they consider properties that require work doing to them? Do they have an existing power team ready to renovate anything that you bring to them? Will they leave the property with you to manage it once its ready to let? What fee are they willing to pay for you to a) find the deal and b) project manage the renovation works?

Once you have all this information, you're in a far better position to qualify buyers and acquire properties to suit their demand. What this means is that you can explore lots of different property types that you know you have buyers for which increases your chance of getting offers accepted on them for your clients and securing yourself a healthy fee.

Where this gets really interesting largely comes down to how good a negotiator you are (remember for some of you reading this, it's your job!). Some agents, (and this is quite ethical to do provided you disclose this ahead of time to your clients), will negotiate a deal on a property which is better than what their clients are willing to pay, and agree to take the difference. So, if your client is willing to pay say, £85,000 for a property worth £100,000, and you agree a deal at £80,000, you are effectively earning £5,000 for your trouble as opposed to a sourcing fee of say £1,500. You will no doubt appreciate this can make a massive difference to your business.

As always, we recommend you are fair, honest and transparent with your clients and you won't go wrong in putting these deals together. Trust is the biggest thing you can develop in your business which will continue to win you more business through personal recommendation to others. Once that trust is broken however, it will almost certainly undermine your relationship with your client, if not your business as a whole.

Diving deeper into the numbers, we must consider the profitability of the deal itself and this will depend on whether or not your client wishes to keep the property and rent it out or to sell it and take the profit. If the strategy is to trade the property, there must be a healthy profit margin in it which covers not only the cost of renovation, the legal, professional,

sourcing and financing fees to acquire it, the profit margin required, but also a factor of safety should the expected sales figure not be achieved.

For instance, if the ultimate sale price of a property is £100,000 and it requires £10,000 of works to renovate it, the deal might look like this:

Purchase Price: £70,000

Renovation Costs:£10,000


Profit margin required:£10,000

Expected sales Price: £100,000

The above leaves some 'wiggle room' of around £4,500 which would allow the client to take an offer which is less than the expected £100,000. The worst thing you can do is overestimate the expected sales price which the investor bases their figures on, and then find that you can't achieve it, meaning your client ends up breaking even, or losing money on the deal.

In order to make it fair to all involved, you could offer to do a two-way or even three-way split of any money made above the expected £10,000 profit for your client. So, if the £100,000 sale price was achieved, the additional £4,500 could be split 50/50 between your client and the seller, or three-ways to include yourself.

Should your client decide to rent the property out, the numbers work slightly differently depending upon their strategy and how they are financing the deal. Some will buy properties all cash, whilst others will get the biggest mortgage they can and put down the smallest deposit. Some may even refinance the property once the renovation works are complete and they can achieve a higher valuation on it. It all depends on their approach to investing which is why it pays to spend some time on the phone establishing their investment criteria, so you know who to position the deals with.

Essentially, if your client is looking to use a mortgage to purchase the property, the mortgage payment impacts the cashflow from the property significantly. Some buyers will want to ensure the property 'washes its face' and gives them an income, others are prepared to be a little more adventurous and as long as the mortgage is covered, they look for capital appreciation to make them money. Most new investors on the scene (and quite a few established ones) make the mistake of thinking that the mortgage is the only expense on a property, and fail to take into account the agents management fee together with setting aside some money each month to cover repairs and maintenance work. This leads to some investors having to 'feed' their portfolio money to keep it going which is potentially ok during good economic times, but can lead to their portfolio hurting them when the economy turn sour.

One additional service you might want to consider doing is offering your clients a portfolio review service where you crunch the numbers on the properties they own to assist them in deciding whether or not to sell, rent or refinance a property, which could generate more business and fees for you.

The last helpful word of guidance to offer here is building a factor of safety into the cashflow calculations (see the Digging for Diamonds manual for more information). It is wise to calculate mortgage interest rate at 6% per annum rather than at some of the discounted rates available presently. The reason for this is to allow interest rates to rise and your client's deal will still work, rather than it costing them money every single month.

Additional Services and Fee Income

Hopefully by now you will have seen the potentially unexplored opportunity in front of you to tap into a marketplace which your competition will have invariably overlooked. The potential to become a key player in the marketplace and put deals together which can add thousands of pounds to your bottom line is what's known as a 'blue ocean strategy'.

This phrase comes from a book of the same name, whereby the authors, W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne look at how many traditional businesses in the same industry, all end up offering similar levels of service, so they only thing they can compete on is the price they charge. It quickly becomes a race to the bottom as fees are cut and essentially a bloodbath ensues as businesses lose money, turning the ocean red!

A blue ocean strategy by contrast, is one in which there is no competition, or very limited competition, where you differentiate yourself based on factors of service which are difficult or impossible for your competition to replicate, thus allowing you to charge a healthy fee. Certainly, sourcing property and project managing the renovation works will distance yourselves from your immediate competitors.

Sometimes people will ask; "But if you're giving this information to all my competitors, won't they start doing the same?" The truth is, it's highly unlikely that they will for a variety of reasons. Some are too scared to do it as they will wonder what their clients may think or somehow feel that its 'illegal' to structure these kinds of deals. They may feel that they don't have the skills or expertise, or prefer the comfort zone of what they know rather than venturing out to try different things.

The sad part about it being, that they could end up losing their business in its entirety if they do not innovate which links back to the opening quotation by Einstein. Should you wish to achieve a different result, you have to take different steps to achieve it and these can feel especially uncomfortable until such time as you are used to taking them again and again.

We'd like to offer all of our clients as much assistance as possible in making their business a success, so if you feel we can assist you in any way, please feel free to reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will do our best to support you with your question, query or concern.


We very much hope that this guide has added some value to you and the time spent reading it has been worthwhile. We'd like to offer you some additional resources which we feel will be instrumental in assisting you in going from strength-to-strength with your business. The following reading list is definitely the books we would recommend to provide a solid foundation to your business as you scale and grow.

Top Three Reading List

1.Built to last by Jim Collins & Jerry Porras
2.Scaling Up by Verne Harnish
3.The E-Myth Revisited by Michael A Gerber

Without a doubt, these current economic times are very challenging and it is likely that things will never return to the way they were pre-2020. With challenge brings uncertainty and it is in this uncertainty that opportunities can be found for those who are willing to look for them, find them and use them to your best advantage. It is a known fact that more millionaires and billionaires are created in economic downturns than are ever created in an upswing. Whilst this might not be your aspiration, we hope it will serve as a source of inspiration for those of you who are determined to grow your business throughout these challenging times, creating a solid platform to dominate your market.

We wish you all the very best and if there is anything we can do to support you on your journey, please get in touch and let us know. 

We have a quick favour to ask

Thanks for taking the time to read our guide. We'd like to ask a quick favour of you as someone who is clearly a thought-leader in the industry. We'd like to know what we can do to make the property market better for all concerned.

We appreciate that most people find moving home a frustration in itself. Its commonly known as the third most stressful thing someone can do after the death of a loved one and going through a divorce.

As someone on the front line and who deals with the general public and property transactions all day long, there's no doubt in our minds that you will have asked the question many times "why doesn't somebody do something about that?"

We'd like to say that we're in the market to do exactly that. We want to hear from you with your thoughts and ideas and proposed solutions which can help make the property market more efficient and fun for all involved, and ultimately more profitable for agents.

So please take a few moments to send us a quick email now with your thoughts to us.

We would be delighted to hear from you with your thoughts, comments and suggestions. The best suggestion received every month will win a bottle of Champagne!

Click on the icon to download a PDF version of The WiggyWam Guide To Property Sourcing & Project Management: 

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